Wednesday, September 28, 2005

EVIL JOHNS in 2008!


did you know that regular JOHN once made his brother step on a tack? that sounds more like an EVIL JOHN thing than a regular JOHN thing, but it’s true. oh, and it wasn’t an accident, it was on purpose. sure, rJ was like 5 years old, but it was a sign of a bad seed. fortunately for me, he’s has been regretting it for years, so i always bring it up to remind him how EVIL he can be. i like to watch him squirm with guilt.

it’s actually a good thing that this didn’t continue because EVIL JOHN would have had trouble differentiating himself from regular JOHN. but imagine if there were two EVIL JOHNS. the perfect evil tag team. wow, world domination would have been a piece of cake. when we turn 35 we could run for president and be the first EVIL TWIN president/vp in history. oh, wait, present administration excluded.

i know, it’s only a dream, a beautiful, beautiful dream… hey, has anyone seen my thumbtacks?



Anonymous said...

Tell it like it IS, brother. I'm also betting that rJ made his own wife down a shot glued onto a ski at that Montana wedding, too. Has he not outgrown his fratboy days with Chi Needa Beera? And as far as politics goes, nothing EVIL JOHNS could do in '08 could be nearly as evil as the Republican Party's flushing the country down the toilet for the last six years. Yer a birkenstock-wearing daisy-sniffin' puppy-huggin oatmeal-hearted patsy compared to those swinging dicks in Washington. Better start eating brass tacks for breakfast -- or go drown your sorrows in a shot glued to a piece of sports equipment.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Evil John and his brother were camping and he made his brother poke a sleeping wild bore and tied his shoes togeter so he couldn't run. It gets even worse, once while at the local zoo Evil conned his brother into throwing a piece of gum into a monkey cage and wathced the monkey get the gum stuck in his fur. Now that's evil.
I just hope evil John doesn't have evil off-spring. That demon seed would really do mean stuff to his evil brother.
...Just one man's opinion